1 White Rock, Maidenhead SL6 8UD
020 7122 3301

Month: May 2018

Executive Recruitment At Its Best

Why You Need to Develop Your Personal Brand This Year

Why You Need to Develop Your Personal Brand This Year

We live in an inherently social world.   While human beings have always been community-based creatures, the rise of the internet and social media means that we have more ways to connect than ever before. While the social environment brings a lot of positive things, like opportunities to network with peers and potential employers, it also means that…
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Health and Wellbeing at Work: Why It’s Time to Take Action

Health and Wellbeing at Work: Why It’s Time to Take Action

For years, “workplace wellbeing” has been a hot topic for businesses in almost every sector. As studies show that happier and healthier employees lead to more significant profits, more companies are beginning to wonder what they can do to support holistic wellness for their staff.   Research finds that mental health issues alone account for £70 billion in…
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Are You Prepared for Your New Recruit?

Are You Prepared for Your New Recruit?

Welcoming a new employee into your team is about more than making a company announcement or adding someone new to your payroll. Taking the time to properly integrate your recruit into your business helps them to feel more comfortable in their new role, setting the stage for long-term loyalty and retention.   Additionally, a good onboarding process can help your…
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